• info@lead-hermw.org
  • +265 881 181 471


Brief Background

Under representation of girls in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in developing countries such as Malawi continue to be an issue of global debate. Lead-Her is committed to address this challenge by implementing the STEM mentorship programs to girls from rural primary schools as one way of ensuring increased school performance and completion rate amongst girls. Lead-Her believes that such interventions will help to build competent girls that will be able to drive the Malawi 2063.


1.5.1 Integrity- We shall hold moral and ethical principles when delivering our programmes
1.5.2 Commitment - We are dedicated to excellence in all our undertakings
1.5.2 Open to diversity - We shall value and respect other people’s views
1.5.2 Collaboration – We shall build and maintain relationships with partners and other stakeholders

Overall Objective

The overall goal of the programme is to increase the proportion of rural primary School students accessing secondary school and higher education in Malawi.

2 Specific Objectives

Specifically, the programme seeks to fulfil a number of integrated and specific objectives that include:
• build capacity of primary school teachers to provide adequate STEM support to rural primary Schools;
• Increase academic performance, retention and graduation rates of female students in STEM disciplines;
• Provide climate change education to primary school teachers and learners.


1. University STEM Academy- This WP will identify Faculty Members- STEM Scholars- who will be capacitated to develop teaching and learning materials in line with Primary School curriculum as well using other global best practices. STEM Scholars shall also champion research in line with STEM field. The WP will also engage students and graduates from MUST and other universities. These will be called STEM Mentors. They shall use materials developed by STEM Scholars to capacitate the girls. Most of these Mentors shall be engaged as volunteers and shall be going to rural schools to work with girls.
2. Primary School STEM Space- The primary school landscape will have students and their teachers forming STEM clubs. These shall be given the opportunity to access the University space for tailor made STEM bridging programmes. The WP will identify girls who will be capacitated by the STEM mentors building on the curriculum developed by the STEM Scholars. In addition, the WP shall work with Primary School Teachers- STEM-Co Mentors. The Co Mentors shall be capacitated with new models of teaching and delivering STEM subject including carrying out local research

Our Initiative Goal

The overall goal of the programme is to increase the proportion of rural Primary and secondarySchool students accessing higher education in Malawi. .

How to Donate

Donate to our Banking details as below

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